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Fuck Yeah Friday Drags You into the Weekend!

  • Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
    Diamond Evvon works her way through the audience during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside CA on Feb 2 2024. Stephen Day
  • Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
    Fans vie for Beetrix Couture's attention as she moves through the audience during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside, CA on Friday Feb 2, 2024. Stephen Day
  • Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
    Nebuer Styles, hostess of the Hot Mess Express on Thursday nights, paid a visit to Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub on Friday Feb 2, 2024 in Riverside Ca. Stephen Day
  • Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
    Diamond Evvon performs during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside CA on Feb 2 2024. Stephen Day
  • Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
    Kelly K takes the stage during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside, CA on Feb 2, 2024. Stephen Day
  • Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
    Beetrix Couture performs during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside CA on Feb 2 2024. Stephen Day
  • Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
    Stephen Day
  • Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
    Diamond Evvon shows an impressive amount of flexibility during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside CA on Feb 2 2024. Stephen Day
  • Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
    Kelly K takes performs during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside, CA on Feb 2, 2024. Stephen Day
  • Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
    Diamond Evvon makes her sultry entrance onto the stage during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside CA on Feb 2 2024. Stephen Day
  • Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
    Diamond Evvon performs during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside CA on Feb 2 2024. Stephen Day
  • Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
    Diamond Evvon performs during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside CA on Feb 2 2024. Stephen Day

Fuck Yeah Friday serves up the weekend on the main stage every Friday night hosted by Mayhem Miller at VIP nightclub, and this last Friday we stopped in to see what all the excitement is about. Mayhem was "somewhere else" so Kelly K Doll stepped up to handle Emcee'ing the event, which featured Kelly K Doll, Diamond Evvon, & Beetrix Couture. Nubeur Styles made a surprise appearance and all the queens gave a spectacular show!

Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
Nebuer Styles, hostess of the Hot Mess Express on Thursday nights, paid a visit to Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub on Friday Feb 2, 2024 in Riverside Ca. an icon of a camera Stephen Day

First up was Kelly K Doll, who danced, and sang, and worked her way through the audience, serving up a reveal, and reminding us all that we were bitches! Boys, girls, and everything in between, all bitches. She also served up the rules for the evening .. Drink up, Tip your queens, and bring the energy, which the crowd obliged in all three.

Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
Kelly K takes the stage during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside, CA on Feb 2, 2024. an icon of a camera Stephen Day

Next out was Nubeur Styles, the welcome surprise of the night. Styles danced through the crowd, and engaged with the audience, and even got the shyest boys to smile when she found out they had a birthday. Also on hand was Styles' newly legal niece who could finally come see her perform her drag, and they both shared a shot on stage ... non-alcoholic for the 18 year old, since she's not legal for everything yet. "Just swallow it!" was the best piece of life advice she received on her birthday.

Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
Nebuer Styles, hostess of the Hot Mess Express on Thursday nights, paid a visit to Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub on Friday Feb 2, 2024 in Riverside Ca. an icon of a camera Stephen Day

Diamond Evvon made her sultry entrance to the stage for her number next, and the crowd ate up her energy, including some impressive displays of flexibility.

Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
Diamond Evvon makes her sultry entrance onto the stage during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside CA on Feb 2 2024. an icon of a camera Stephen Day

Finally Beetrix Couture graced the stage with her amazing presence and just made the whole room glow. As she moved through the audience, her fans were eager for her attention and could resist stuffing her full of dollar bills.

Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
Fans vie for Beetrix Couture's attention as she moves through the audience during Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside, CA on Friday Feb 2, 2024. an icon of a camera Stephen Day
Drag Queens perform on stage at VIP Nightclub
A fan records during Beetrix Couture's performance for Fuck Yeah Friday at VIP Nightclub in Riverside, CA on Feb 2, 2024. an icon of a camera Stephen Day

So when you're done recording the queens on your phone, use it to go follow them all on the socials! You can find Nubuer Styles at VIP Nightclub every Thursday for Hot Mess Express, and over on instagram @nebuyaystyles. You can follow Kelly K Doll on her instagram @xo_kellyk. Go find Beetrix Couture on the instas at @beetrixcouture. The official page of Diamond Evvon is over at @diamond_evvon.official, accept no substitutes!
Finally, make sure you are follow VIP Nightclub at @vipnightclub for all the latest shows and happenings!

Stephen Day

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