Riverside Community Players is currently running a production of Wait Until Dark by Fredrick Knott, and directed by Patricia Scarborough. This production is based on the 1967 horror film of the same title.
The story takes place in 1960’s New York and follows Susy Hendrix, a blind housewife as she navigates a strange mystery that has dangerous people coming after her while she has recently become blind and has no idea what to make of the situation.
My initial thought upon seeing the set design was “wow they really nailed the 1960’s look!” from the furniture and appliances to all the costumes to huge props to Synnova MacLeod, the prop master of the show and to Rory Dyer, who did the costuming!
The plot at times was really suspenseful and intense and had me sitting at the edge of my seat during the final act. All of the suspense in the production definitely has to do with the amazing acting talent from the cast, especially Sophia Casto as Susy Hendrix who portrayed a visually impaired character in a really convincing way which really added to the viewing experience!
Overall the show was a very entertaining production with intense segments that will keep you watching and twists that will leave you thinking. The next shows will be on November 1st, 2nd, 8th, and 9th at 8PM and on November 3rd, 9th and 10th at 2PM. I highly recommend you catch one of these shows and get to experience the hard work of many cast members! You can purchase tickets here on the Riverside Community Players website.