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Crafting a Riverside Legacy: Route 30 Brewing Expands

Two beers sitting on a table one is dark one is a hazy ipa
A hazy IPA and a stout dark ale from Route 30 brewing on Nov 1 2023 Stephen Day

The craft beer landscape in Riverside, California, is about to welcome a new beacon of hoppy delight as Route 30 Brewing opens the doors to its eagerly awaited new location at 11620 Sterling Ave., St. C, in Riverside. This exciting expansion not only introduces beer enthusiasts to a fresh setting with new food offerings but also solidifies Route 30 Brewing's commitment to brewing excellence and community engagement.

Route 30 Brewing has become synonymous with Riverside's craft beer scene, and the opening of their new location at Sterling Avenue marks the next chapter in their journey. Known for their dedication to quality, innovation, and creating a welcoming atmosphere, Route 30 Brewing has become a gathering place for locals and visitors alike.

The new Route 30 Brewing location provides a contemporary and inviting space that and invites patrons to experience a blend of modern aesthetics and rustic warmth. The brewing equipment takes center stage, providing a visual testament to the artistry behind every pint.

The tap list at Sterling Ave. will continue the tradition of offering a diverse selection, with familiar favorites and exciting new brews crafted on-site. The expanded space allows for a comfortable atmosphere, ideal for savoring a flight of diverse beers with friends or family and now the ability to have dinner with your beers.

As we revel in the excitement of the new Sterling Ave. location, let's not forget the downtown charm of Route 30 Brewing's original spot on Mission Ave. With its cozy ambiance and signature brews, the downtown location continues to be a must-visit for those seeking a taste of Route 30's legacy in the heart of Riverside.

Stephen Day
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