Act Out Enrichment, a local community theater group that provides young actors the opportunity to learn and hone their craft, presents Pure Imagination at the Box in Downtown Riverside opening March 8.

Pure Imagination is a new Broadway Jr. Revue that features songs from a whole collection of other Broadway Jr. Revues, such as Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka Jr., Shrek the Musical Jr., Seussical KIDS, and several Disney favorites like Beauty and the Beast Jr. and Frozen Jr. The musical features themes like accepting and embracing differences, and getting out of your shell to make friends and as the final song says, letting your freak flag fly!
Each of the kids took on multiple roles and brought so much energy to the characters and it was clear that they have been putting a lot of time and effort into their roles. Led by director, and owner of Act Out Enrichment, Bethany Schultz, the choreography and stage presence was on point and each of the cast members had a chance to shine throughout the performance.

Act Out Enrichment, created in 2020 during the pandemic, has the focus of giving kids a place to explore, create, and imagine. Schultz has 20 years of experience in performing and directing, and has taught dance and won awards for her directing.
Pure Imagination opens tonight, March 8, and runs all weekend with evening and matinee showtimes. Get your tickets before they sell out and help support the dreams and future goals of local young actors. For more information on Act Out Enrichment check out their website and find out how you can help the young actors achieve their dreams.