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The Magician's Nephew presented by the Riverside Community Players Theater

  • Mike Eastman performs on stage
    Mike Eastman, Uncle Andrew tinkers with his magic rings during the production of The Magician's Nephew at the Riverside Community Players theater on March 6th, 2024 icon of a camera for photography Adrian Taylor
  • Ava Fojtik performs on stage
    Ava Fojtik, Queen Jadis makes an intimidating entrance on stage during the production of The Magician's Nephew at the Riverside Community Players theater on March 6th, 2024 icon of a camera for photography Adrian Taylor
  • Latriest Maynus and Indie Locke
    Latriest Maynus, Aslan, thanks Indie Locke, Digory during the production of The Magician's Nephew at the Riverside Community Players theater on March 6th, 2024 icon of a camera for photography Adrian Taylor
  • Penelope Joven performs on stage
    Penelope Joven, Rabbit, narrates the story during the production of The Magician's Nephew at the Riverside Community Players theater on March 6th, 2024 icon of a camera for photography Adrian Taylor
  • Latriest Maynus and Ava Fojtik face off on stage
    Latriest Maynus, Aslan, and Ava Fojtik, Queen Jadis face off during the production of The Magician's Nephew at the Riverside Community Players theater on March 6th, 2024 icon of a camera for photography Adrian Taylor
  • Bella Spelman performs on stage
    Bella Spelman, Monkey, watches the performance from the background during the production of The Magician's Nephew at the Riverside Community Players theater on March 6th, 2024 icon of a camera for photography Adrian Taylor

Starting tonight at 7 PM tonight the Riverside Community Players Theater will be performing runs of The Magician’s Nephew, a theatrical reiteration of C. S. Lewis’ fantasy children’s novel of the same title directed by Adam Brodner.

The performance was in a black box styled room where the stage was in the center of the room with audience members surrounding it that allowed a ton of creativity with the performance and set pieces in which they used exceedingly well. Adam Brodner, the director of the show, shared that the set decorations were made using recycled materials like any shipping packaging received and that the wardrobe pieces are also re-used.

Indie Locke and Piper Joven perform on stage
Indie Locke, Digory, and Piper Joven, Polly embrace each other during the production of The Magician's Nephew at the Riverside Community Players theater on March 6th, 2024 an icon of a camera Adrian Taylor

The story follows Digory and Polly, played by Indie Locke and Piper Joven as they are transported to other worlds by the use of Digory’s Uncle Andrew, played by Mike Eastman

Indie Locke performs on stage
Indie Locke, Digory, teleports to another world during the production of The Magician's Nephew at the Riverside Community Players theater on March 6th, 2024 an icon of a camera Adrian Taylor

The production quality was really good with the use of lighting to convey the story telling with the colors constantly changing depending on the world they are in which was a really nice touch. The acting itself was excellent. The chemistry between Indie Locke and Piper Joven as Digory and Polly was really sweet and made watching them perform very entertaining. Mike Eastman and Sej Gangula, who played Uncle Andrew and Aunty Letty, played off each other's energy really well and made any scene with both of them extremely comedic and entertaining.

Actors perform on stage
Mike Eastman, Uncle Andrew, and Sej Gangula, Aunty Letty, bicker about magic during the production of The Magician's Nephew at the Riverside Community Players theater on March 6th, 2024 an icon of a camera Adrian Taylor

There was a lot of attention to detail throughout the performance. In the background throughout the story, animal characters played by Ryan Clem Barnes, Bella Spelman, Jordan Arcos, and Penelope Joven all had their own set pieces that were decorated down to very small details with intractable props in which they would play around with whenever they did not have any lines.

Ava Fojtik performs on stage
Ava Fojtik, Queen Jadis makes an intimidating entrance on stage during the production of The Magician's Nephew at the Riverside Community Players theater on March 6th, 2024 an icon of a camera Adrian Taylor

All in all the production was fantastic and everybody that was part of it did a phenomenal job give or take a couple of minor mistakes. I highly recommend going out to watch it. Shows are going to be held on March 8th at 7 PM, March 9th at 2 PM & 7PM, and March 10th at 2 PM. You can get tickets here

Adrian Taylor

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