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Phantom Siita draws fans like Moths to a Flame at the House of Blues Anaheim

  • Mona performs on stage
    Mona, a member of Phantom Siita, performs on stage at the House of Blues in Anaheim on Jan 30 icon of a camera for photography Adrian Taylor
  • Phantom Siita performs on stage together
    Phantom Siita performs all together at the House of Blues Anaheim on Jan 30 icon of a camera for photography Adrian Taylor
  • Phantom Siita performs on stage
    Phantom Siita performs at the House of Blues in Anaheim on Jan 30 icon of a camera for photography Adrian Taylor
  • Phantom Siita performs on stage
    Rinka (right) and Miu (left) perform at the House of Blues Anaheim on Jan 30 icon of a camera for photography Adrian Taylor

The anticipation within the House of Blues in Anaheim was off the charts as fans eagerly chanted for Phantom Siita to take the stage. Despite being a new name in the J-Pop scene, The five-member group has already made waves since their debut in June 2024, with multiple hits being released. This tour, the Moth to a Flame Tour marks their first ever world tour!

Phantom Siita performs on stage together
Mona dances with the rest of Phantom Siita at the House of Blues in Anaheim on Jan 30 an icon of a camera Adrian Taylor

As the lights dimmed and it was time for the show to start, the crowd roared in excitement and all five members slowly took their positions, kicking off the night with their most popular hit “Just Wanna xxxx With You” ( キミと××××したいだけ) Instantly feeding into the crowds energy and setting the stage for what was to come.

Miu performs on stage
Miu performs with the rest of Phantom Siita at the House of Blues Anaheim on Jan 30 an icon of a camera Adrian Taylor

Every song in their setlist featured a highly coordinated dance routine along with it, which really showed how much effort was put into their performances and elevated the energy. After performing a couple songs together as a full group, they switched things up and the girls started to take turns in solo performances, allowing the members to shine individually.

Miu dances on stage
Miu, a member of Phantom Siita, performs at the House of Blues in Anaheim on Jan 30 an icon of a camera Adrian Taylor

Following their solo performances, Phantom Siita reunited on stage to formally introduce themselves and thank everybody one by one. They all spoke in their native tongues, but their gratitude and enthusiasm was universally understood, receiving a huge applause from the crowd.

Phantom Siita performs together
Phantom Siita perform on stage all together at the House of Blues in Anaheim on Jan 30 an icon of a camera Adrian Taylor

As the concert continued, Phantom Siita surprised the audience with a cover of “Suki Suki Daisuki” (好き好き大好き) , a beloved J-Pop classic! With their mesmerizing choreography and enticing energy, it really made for an amazing night of performances. By the end of the night it was clear Phantom Siita had lived up to their tour’s name, drawing the audience like moths to a flame.

Adrian Taylor

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