Spanish Post-Punk fans alike flocked to the Glass House Pomona on April 15th, 2024 to see the artist Marcos Crespo Garcia, stage name Depresión Sonora perform that night just days after he performed at the Coachella Festival in Indio California!

The crowd was cheering as the lights dimmed and as an ominous voice message played letting everyone know ¡Esto es Depresión Sonora! Gonzalo López, the guitar player for the band started playing strumming chords on the guitar with René Sharrocks, stage name Dharmacide playing as well. Marcos, Depresión Sonora himself ran up on stage and opened up the night with their recently released song “mala”

The crowd was singing along to every song played that night with their excitement increasing as more and more popular songs such as “Tú No Me Tienes Que Salvar” & “Gasolina y Mechero” a personal favorite of mine.

The crowd could not get enough of the show and demanded an encore chanting “¡otra! ¡otra! ¡otra!” so they returned and promptly finished the night on a high note with their song Como todo el Mundo

Earlier in the night the band FaeryBabyy opened up the show with vocals by their lead singer, Payton Morse. They stated that they got over their fear of performing and that this was actually their debut live performance and they killed it! The crowd was alive and dancing as they played their set, absolutely enjoying themselves.